NextMinute Blog

Xero Bills Feed - track all costs against your Jobs

This makes charge up invoicing fast and accurate, and you will always know the true cost and profitability of any job.

It can be pretty tough tracking all of the various costs that you have incurred on a job such as supplier invoices for materials or subbies. If you miss any of these costs, you are likely to undercharge the customer and get an incomplete picture of your job profitability.

It’s already easy to forward through PDF supplier invoices into Xero where a supplier bill is automatically created (via Hubdoc or Receiptbank). Nextminute now allows you to pull these Xero bills through into NM and link them directly to a job. From there you can mark up the bill and generate and send an invoice directly through to your customer.

And with all costs linked to your jobs, it’s so much easier to run detailed back costing to understand your true profitability on all of your jobs.

Your accountant and bookkeeper will be stoked to see you tracking all costs and making good profit on all your jobs!

NextMinute Xero Bills feed means:

  • Never miss a supplier bill ever again
  • Quoting made easy
  • Accounting for every cost and make money on all jobs
  • No more manual data entry of bills and invoices
  • Better understand your job profitability with accurate job costing

Learn More:

For all the detail on how to make the most of these new features, checkout:

NB: Xero is the first cab off the rank for this new feature, but we will be following up with MYOB in our next release. Give us a shout if you think we should enable this for any other accounting platforms.

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