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Stay on top of jobs, cut admin headaches

NextMinute gives you all the tools you need to streamline your construction projects. Simple, powerful, & affordable.

Run your jobs from beginning to end

Quote, plan & schedule jobs, collect timesheets, store files and photos, add variations, invoice clients, and view real-time actuals vs estimates by job stage.

Accurate records for peace of mind

Avoid costly client disputes by keeping clear records of job progress and quote/variation acceptance.

Flexible month-to-month pricing

Affordable, flexible pricing that changes with your needs. No lock-in contracts or minimum terms.  

We're here to help

Real tradespeople rate NextMinute #1 for ease-of-use and hands-on support to help your business succeed.

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Click on each feature to see a video of NextMinute in action.

A hit with the bookkeeper

NextMinute syncs financial data two-ways with your accounting software – so you don't have to enter everything twice.

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"NextMinute is easy to use but also gives us the detailed information that we need as a construction business. We would highly recommend this product and it's team"

- CKJ Building Services

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Streamline your business. Get back your weekends.

Fire out quotes in a few clicks

Get your estimates & quotes out faster with NextMinute to win more projects and keep your team moving.

Estimating & Quoting with NextMinute

Drag-and-drop scheduling

Add project stages & tasks, assign them to your team, and schedule them with the simple to use Gantt chart. Delayed by the rain? Simply move task dates and all the dependancies will follow.

NextMinute Project Management
NextMinute jobs on laptop

Timesheets? No sweat

With our easy to use mobile app, your team can log time, photos, and notes against a project or task in seconds. No more chasing them on weekends or missing billable hours.


Easy for you, easy for the crew

Your crew will always know where they need to be, and what needs to be done. They can see assigned jobs and tasks, get directions to site, and stay in touch with in-app messaging.

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Get your invoices out in minutes

With all your costs and timesheets in one place, you can send out accurate progress or final invoices to customers with a few clicks. Increase your chances of on-time payments and maintaining a healthy cashflow.

Learn about Invoicing

Financial reports without the headaches

Keep your project on budget and profitable. NextMinute enables you to easily report on your project or stage costs vs. your initial estimate.

Back Costing Reporting

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Book a chat to see if NextMinute is right for you

Tell us what you need - Let us know your requirements and how you run your projects
Get a trial account - We'll set you up with a customised account to try out NextMinute. We can even import your projects and quotes
No bullsh*t - Real humans with construction experience that you'll actually like talking to

Common Questions

What is NextMinute, and how does it help builders and tradespeople?

NextMinute is an all-in-one job management solution designed for builders and residential trades businesses across the UK. Whether you’re managing new builds, renovations, or extensions, NextMinute helps streamline quoting, scheduling, timesheets, invoicing, and reporting, so you can stay organised, manage your team effectively, and keep your finances in check—all while cutting down on paperwork. Simple, efficient, and built for UK trades.

Learn More About Us
Why is NextMinute the #1 software for builders & trades?

NextMinute is the go-to job management software for builders and tradespeople across the UK, designed to make running your business simpler and more efficient. We provide unbeatable personal service, with free onboarding, setup, and training for life, so you’re never left figuring things out alone. With affordable pricing and no hidden costs, it helps you manage jobs, send quotes and invoices, track timesheets, and keep your team organised—all in one place. Don’t just take our word for it—real tradespeople rate us 4.9 stars on average.

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What trades is NextMinute used for? 

NextMinute is designed for builders and trades businesses across the UK, making it the perfect job management software for carpenters, roofers, landscapers, groundwork companies, and more. Whether you’re working on new builds, renovations, extensions, or outdoor projects, NextMinute helps you schedule jobs, send quotes and invoices, track timesheets, and manage your team—all in one easy-to-use platform. Less admin, more time on the tools.

How does NextMinute compare to other job management software?

NextMinute is purpose-built for UK builders and trades businesses, making it ideal for managing longer, more complex residential projects. Unlike generic job management tools, NextMinute is designed for teams of 3+, offering all-in-one job management, including timesheets, live actual vs estimate reporting, and seamless integration with accounting software like Xero and QuickBooks. With Gantt chart job planning, task assignment, document storage, and a mobile app, your team stays organised on-site and in the office. No unnecessary extras—just the tools you need to run jobs smoothly and get paid faster.

Compare NextMinute vs Other Platforms
Does NextMinute work on mobile?

With NextMinute’s mobile app, your team always knows where they need to be and what needs to be done—no more chasing people up! They can view site plans, log hours against jobs, enter site diaries, take photos, and send SMS updates, all from their phone. That means less confusion, better communication, and smoother job management. Plus, you can do almost everything you would on a computer, from quoting and scheduling to invoicing and reporting, keeping your business running seamlessly—wherever you are. Simple, efficient, and built for trades on the go.

NextMinute Mobile App
Why should I book an intro call? Can’t I just start a free trial?

We’re all about unbeatable service and close relationships with our customers. Instead of leaving you to figure things out alone, we work side by side with you to ensure NextMinute is the right fit for your business and get you up and running with minimal stress. Our team can import your jobs or quotes, walk you through the system, and help you trial it effectively—saving you time in the long run and ensuring you get the most out of NextMinute from day one.

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