What is Job Management Software for tradies?
A job management software application like NextMinute takes the hassle out of time consuming payroll and admin tasks so you can spend more time getting the job done and getting paid for the hard work without any additional tasks that can all be streamlined through a job management software system.
Whether you are a new trade business starting out or an established company with hundreds of clients, making the decision to invest in a job management software like NextMinute can save you hours spent on administration, invoicing and scheduling and with it your businesses hard earned dollars. It is your streamlined end-to-end digital toolbox that helps you manage, stay up to-date, and keep up with all of the jobs you may be balancing at one time.
A job management software application is like a digital toolbox that holds all of your company’s valuable information and data right at your fingertips, that you can access whenever you need it and wherever you are, whether that be in the office, at home or on the job.
Tick all the boxes, all while saving time on site
With a job management software application, all of the important admin tasks are taken care of. Employee timesheets, payroll information, integrated invoicing, as well as real-time scheduling and planning data are all accounted for in one application.
It’s hard to imagine all of these tasks coming together in one streamlined, easy-to-use app, but with NextMinute, tasks that would take hours upon hours off the job can now be done all in one place, anywhere, anytime.
Your company’s most valuable documents and data stored safely in the cloud
Say goodbye to paper work that piles up and gets lost and hello to a digital toolbox that stores your companies most valuable documentation. Job Management Software keeps all of your important documentation such as: invoices, quotes and estimates, material orders and employee data all in one safe space that you can access whenever the need arises.
Job Management software features whatever your trade:
Job management software helps all tradies, no matter the industry. Whether you’re a company or sole trader, plumber, electrician or builder, NextMinute will improve your workflow, making time spent on the job more efficient, effective and as smooth as possible. All with one easy to use tool that is available on Apple and Android and allows you to execute, brief, manage and invoices anywhere, anytime.
Timesheets and payroll integration
It’s time to make paper-based time sheets a thing of the past. Not only can they be easily lost and damaged, but incorrect data can be lodged. Scribbles and spillages, late timesheets all add up making our work harder and unnecessarily time consuming. The advanced integration technology that is inbuilt in apps like NextMinute, transfers your approved timesheets directly into Xero and MYOB Payroll. Now we’re talking.

Quotes and Estimates
A job management software application such as NextMinute allows you to send out professional, error-free, quotes to clients and material providers, making sure you get paid on time.
It’s out with the old and in with the new. We know how savvy tradies are, always looking for the most efficient way to get a job done. Take care of all quoting activities from one safe digital toolbox, not only will you have more time to get the important work done, but you will significantly reduce any quoting errors.
Get your business out there with customisable templates
Format and customise your quote to reflect your business. Add all of your most important business details along with your logo. This all helps build brand recognition all while making you look professional.
Turn quotes into invoices all at the click of a button. Job management software’s advanced technology pulls all of the relevant data from quotes and integrating and transfers directly to your invoicing system, like XERO or MYOB. All invoices related to your trade can be scheduled, sent and delivered on your timetable, making sure you get paid on time.
Say goodbye to old-school filing cabinets that take hours to sift through. Job management software provides you with easy access to your quoting and estimating documents, all stored safely and securely in the cloud.
Job Tracking
Keep up to date with all of your jobs in real time
Checking the status of jobs, assigning work to contractors, paying employees and tracking timesheets and sending quotes and documents back and forth takes up a lot of time, almost as much time as the job itself. Streamline the process digitally with a Job Management Software app like NextMinute.
When you’re working on many different jobs, it’s easy to lose track of the status of each individual job. With NextMinute staying up-to-date and on top of jobs is taken to the next level with job tracking functionality. Know exactly what stage a job is at, as well as the quotes and actual costs, all with one integrated and easy to understand interface.
Not only can you track the status of multiple jobs, but you can see what jobs are up and coming so you can plan and allocate employees accordingly.
Scheduling and Planning
We all know how tricky scheduling and planning for a job can be when running a trade business. With so many variables to take into consideration before a job can go ahead without a streamlined system in place, it’s easy for things to be delayed.
With a job management system you can plan to the very next minute.
With NextMinute, you can plan for the future, check staff availability, assign contractors and employees, and make changes on the move. Whatever your organisation needs, a job management software app has you covered.
Simple material orders
Organising materials and stock you need for a job can be time consuming, playing phone hockey with suppliers, chasing up numbers and contact details all take precious time away from getting the job started. A job management system like NextMinute takes the hassle out of material orders, making it simple and straightforward.
NextMinute allows you to store all of your suppliers details in one easy-to-access digital toolbox. It’s as straightforward as getting a quote approved, once you’ve done this you can send out an order!
Job planning with Gantt Charts

See your job schedule represented visually and against time with a job management software with an integrated Gantt Chart, like NextMinute. A Gantt Chart shows you everything you need to know and more about your existing and up-and-coming projects. A Gantt Chart is the go-to project management tool used by industry leaders, who swear by its ability to ramp up a businesses organisation and management.
NextMinutes Gantt Chart integration shows you exactly what stage of a job you are at, how much progress has been made, and its relation to the complete project.
Gantt Chart with a Job Planning feature
NextMinutes Job Planning feature allows you to allocate important parts of a project that must be completed before another aspect of a project can be started. If things change you can easily drag and drop stages to reflect what needs to be done.
Invoicing, planning, project management and more all in one, easy-to-use app
We’ve covered all of the ways a job management software app can save you time and money, whatever your trade business.
NextMinute’s Job Application Software makes sure your transactions, project management and communications stay as organised as possible. From our years of experience on the job that have not only taught us how to use the tools of the trade but, most importantly, how to make the most of every next minute.
NextMinute’s job management software has been built by tradies, for tradies so we know how it is, it’s time to reduce unnecessary admin out of your work day, so you can get the job done. At the end of the day, we believe it’s about working smarter, not harder.
Whatever trade you are in, job management software like NextMinute can help you manage time more efficiently, manage costs so you don’t lose money, as well as manage existing jobs so you make the time for more.